Little Known Trick to Wedding Dress Shopping

In this uncertain climate, many of you have had to make alternative wedding plans. Postponing is the choice for most, however, that too can become complicated.
So here’s the option that can still work for you. Go for a scaled down version with just a few people on your original date. Then have a big reception at a later date when friends and family feel safer and life is back to “normal”. This way, you’ll have some extra cash to do a really lovely small intimate ceremony.
If your dress got delayed or alterations were not possible, don’t despair!!! I bet you didn’t know you could rent a wedding dress. Yes – for a very affordable price, you can find incredibly beautiful bridal gowns in all shapes and sizes. Alterations will be temporary, but fast and simple. Renting is also an efficiently quick choice if you have a change of plans and don’t have time to shop and order a gown.
Resale sites also offer discounted pre-owned wedding dresses. Do your research.
If you have a specific dress in mind, keep an eye on these sites regularly, so you can get your gown at a nicely discounted price.
Sample sales are always a chance to score a major find at a lower cost. The trend right now is geared towards simple, clean and less fussy dresses. It’s a lot more pared down.”
Don’t be bullied into expensive extras. Special corsets, bras and petticoats are absolutely not necessary if the dress fits correctly.
Don’t be afraid to ask if accessories like veils or garters are included. Find out the alteration costs upfront – this may have an impact on your budget.
Finally, be as concise as you can with your stylist. Let them know exactly what your preferred style is and more importantly, your budget!!
Stay safe and congratulations!